ð 12.12 Flash Sale: 12% off NYE Dinner
Book your NYE Dinner Feast early and enjoy 12% OFF for an unforgettable beachside celebration.
ð New Yearâs Eve Feast Dinner |
31 āļ.āļ. 2567 | 19.30 āļ. āđāļāđāļāļāđāļāđāļ
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ðāđāļāļĢ. 032 899 130
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ðĨ 12.12 Flash Sale: 12% off NYE Dinner
Get ready to ring in 2025 in style at Baba Beach Club Hua Hin! ð Book your NYE Dinner Feast early and enjoy 12% OFF for an unforgettable beachside celebration.
ð NYE Dinner with Champagne & free-flow soft drinks
31 December 2024 | 7.30pmâlate
at Baba Beach Bar & Restaurant
THB 5,192++/adult with bottle of Champagne (per couple) & free-flow soft drinks (THB 6,111 net)
THB 2,596++/child (6-12 years old) (THB 3,056 net)
*All prices are in Thai baht + subject to 7% vat & 10% service charge
Indulge in a spectacular NYE Feast Dinner featuring an extensive array of gourmet dishes, including a sushi bar, pasta stations, local Thai favorites, roasted meats, BBQ, special desserts, and more. Guests can enjoy free-flow soft drinks, and couples will be treated to bottle of champagne. Expect live entertainment all night long, including a full band, a live DJ set, and a spectacular fireworks display to usher in 2025. Baba Beach Club Hua Hin promises to be a celebration like no other, filled with festive energy in a stunning beachfront setting.
Entertainment: Full band, DJ, Fireworks
Reserve a table now!
ð+66 32 899 130
ð Click Add to cart to buy the ticket
ðïļ Please fill your email into the form
Terms & Conditions:
All vouchers are valid for one-time use only.
All vouchers have no cash value.
All vouchers cannot be used with other discounts or third-party promotions.
All vouchers cannot be copied or altered. Baba Beach Club Hua Hin is not responsible for any voucher loss or damage.
E-vouchers or printouts must be presented to our staff.Â
Validity for each voucher is as mentioned in the event description. Validity cannot be changed or extended in any case.
All vouchers are nonrefundable and cannot be exchanged for other services.