249 Candle (260g)
Quantity/ 999 items available


Two-Four-Nine: The three digits combination was nothing else but a flat number in Brighton; a place where my brother spent most of his time immersing himself in his work. It was a post-new year night, despite an unusual quietness of the city, to him, it was just another night spent working alone on an old oak desk with a dim single lightbulb. The cold salty breeze seeped through the window gap, combining with the sound of the waves hitting pebbles beach together with the cry of seagulls. The noises seemed to echo louder than usual with an absence of the crowd. Whilst others spent their night with their families and love ones, he chose to work by himself. An indescribable feeling arises in him, a glimpse of homesickness combines with the stillness of the moment. It was almost impossible to describe into words, only the scents and sounds captured the remnant of this lonesome night.

SCENT: Oriental

Top notes: Blackcurrant, Rose

Medium notes: Jasmine, Woody

Base notes: Musky, Amber