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Enhanced Athlete – Cardarine (GW-501516)

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Bp medical SARMs
Bp medical SARMs
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DescriptionEnhanced Athlete - Cardarine (GW-501516)


Enhanced Athlete Cardarine - Cardarine, also known as GW-501516, is a PPAR modulator, a non-hormonal compound with profound effects on endurance and fat loss. By increasing the recovery rate, you significantly increase the training volume and reach higher performance levels, levels you never thought you could reach in this short time. From the first dose you can train longer without getting tired...Cardarine is simply incomparable to anything else available today.

  • Cardarine (GW-501516) 10 mg x 60
  • Endurance
  • power explosion and fat burning.
  • Doesn't require PCT.
  • Extensive research shows both health and athletic benefits.


Cardarine works in the following ways:

Helps you burn more body fat - by preventing fatty acid chains from forming and thus preventing your body from storing fat, so your system has to use fat for energy.

Maintain existing muscle mass - when you are short of energy and your body is forced to use fat as fuel, Cardarin can also protect muscle mass against catabolism (breakdown).

Faster recovery - Cardarin can increase the amount of oxygen in your muscles, allowing you to recover from training sessions.

Cardarine is not for nothing one of the best selling sarms there is, let yourself be convinced and experience it for yourself!


Enhanced Athlete Cardarine use:

Cardarin is versatile, you can use it for cutting and bulking. It has a half-life of 16 hours, so the daily dose should be taken at a staggered rate. Start with 10mg a day and possibly build up to 20mg a day, ideally with one dose 2-3 hours before training. Take Cardarin for up to 12 weeks at a time, followed by an interruption of 6 weeks.


Cardarin can be combined with most other compounds. It reduces fat gain during bulk cycles, increases fat loss during cutting cycles and improves endurance and overall performance.


Pay attention:

All information about these research chemicals and the research chemicals themselves are for educational and research purposes only. These products are NOT supplements and are not intended for human consumption.